Falling Asleep

Falling asleep is a lot like faith, and it’s a lot like fear
Every night when I lie down to sleep
I know what should come
But I never know what will

Before me stretches the deep expanse of the night
With all the unknown dreams
Or nightmares

I sit there on my bed
On the edge of the abyss
I know that I cannot control what happens next
In the darkness my mind runs where it wants
As I sleep men can do to me what they want
Angels or demons could whisper in my ears
Telling me truth, lies, or anything in between

I hope that morning will come
As it has so many times before
But this time could be the last
Maybe this time my soft sleeping breaths
Will whisper in the moonlight for the last time
Maybe this time I will wake up in another dimension
Maybe I will not awaken at all
Most likely my eyes will open again
To the sweet morning kisses of the sun’s first rays
But I can never be sure

So I sit on the edge
Fear creeping in
Saying, “You cannot know what happens next”
“You are powerless as you dream”
I know that, but I do not know fear
I have faith that as I have woken before
I will awaken tomorrow

Even if the night holds terror for me
In dreams or in reality
I know I cannot flee from it
All must sleep
All must face the night
Both the night of the moon
And the night in our hearts
So once again I close my eyes
And softly drop into the void

Not with fear at loss of control
But with faith in a new day

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